Division of Community Services (DCS)
The mission of the Division of Community Services (DCS) is to prevent the use of alcohol, tobacco and other drugs by providing effective, research-based programs to the public and schools. The vision is that by working face to face and virtually, to educate and advocate, DCS will foster attitudes supportive of healthy lifestyle choices. DCS is managed by Brian Howard who supervises a credentialled, trained and experienced staff that has been recognized statewide for their dedication and excellent service. A number of the following programs have received the special honor of being designated as Exemplary Prevention Programs by the Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services (OhioMHAS). The DCS commitment is to serve the community by meeting the needs of individuals through prevention, education and intervention.
Learn more about DCS Programs below:
Drug-Free Workplace
The Health Recovery Services Drug Free Workplace program was developed utilizing guidelines from the Ohio Bureau of Workers Compensation (BWC) and refined by an Ohio Certified Prevention Specialist with special training and a decade of experience in delivering DFWP technical assistance to businesses. The core features include 2-hour annual employee education and 4-hour supervisor training sessions, which are conducted by Prevention Specialists. These educational sessions focus on the effects of AOD abuse on the workplace, warning signs and symptoms of AOD abuse, company-specific policies regarding AOD in the workplace, AOD testing, handling of critical AOD-related incidents and BWC requirements for a Drug Free Workplace. Participants complete pre and post-program knowledge and attitude surveys to determine program effectiveness.
Alcohol and Other Drug Use Prevention Workshops/Assemblies
Information presented covers a variety of substance abuse issues including use, abuse and addiction; youth and adult prescription drug abuse; inhalants; methamphetamine/club drugs; dysfunctional families; healthy choices for young people; peer pressure; tobacco use/prevention; marijuana facts; and evaluating alcohol and tobacco advertising, among others. Information is presented in multiple formats and sessions depending on specific need. Materials are tailored to the desires of the administration, staff, students, and community.
Nicotine Intervention Program
Teen Institute (Ongoing Groups)School Presentations
Teen Institute (TI) is a positive peer prevention program geared toward youth in grades 6-12. Technical assistance for school groups ranges from participating in regular TI meetings to scheduling speakers once per month, to providing educational materials and programming ideas as requested. Meeting schedules are arranged to meet the needs of each school. Weekly or bi-monthly meetings are recommended. We also recommend an advisor from each school assist in conducting the group.
Women's Outreach
The Women’s Outreach Program provides FREE education, intervention and referral services to females of all ages and their families. Services include confidential one-on-one sessions, group sessions and presentations for community agencies, groups, clubs and organizations. The goal is to educate the community about substance abuse; reduce the incidence of alcohol, tobacco and other drug (ATOD) abuse; reduce the stigma associated with chemical dependency; identify individuals who have indulged in illegal or age inappropriate use of ATOD; promote recovery and wellness; and to provide social service referrals and improve access for women to treatment.
Gambling Education & Treatment
Health Recovery Services currently has 8 staff members who have completed several of the Phases of Gambling trainings offered by ODADAS, the Lottery Commission and the Ohio Council for Problem Gambling. Recruitment for the program begins with consumers who enroll in AoD treatment at Health Recovery Services’ Outpatient sites. Services are also provided in the communities through the use of advertising and educational opportunities. Each customer will complete a South Oaks Gambling Screen. Those identified in the screening process as having or being at risk for gambling problems by scoring a 3 or higher on the SOG screening, will be offered further education and treatment. The ultimate goal of treatment is abstinence from gambling activities. Customers will also be offered help and referrals to assist them with money problems from losses due to gambling including, debt counseling, budgeting, and money management education. Health Recovery Services offers a variety of parenting and family strengthening programs through its Division of Community Services. Customers in treatment for gambling will be given information on these programs when appropriate.
Drug-Free Dances
HRS’ own Rockin’ Reggie supplies the sound system and light show, an extensive contemporary music collection, and entertaining emceeing in a healthy, drug free setting. No songs with explicit lyrics or lyrics that encourage violence, drug use or other unhealthy behaviors are played.Cost: $75.00/hour. Some HRS sponsored dances may be available free of charge.
SAAMCO (Substance Abuse Assessment For Municipal Court Offenders)
2009 ODADAS Exemplary Prevention Program Award WinnerThe Substance Abuse Assessment for Municipal Court Offenders Program is a research-based alcohol and drug education program for individuals charged with an alcohol and/or drug related violation. The SAAMCO program is available in 3, 5, or 8 hour classes.
Life Skills Training
Class size: 25
LifeSkills Training (LST) is one of the most highly rated, recommended and researched school-based substance abuse prevention programs today. It is uniquely designed, proven effective, and grounded in over 20 years of research. Rather than simply teaching information about drugs, LifeSkills combats the underlying causes of substance use. The LifeSkills program is designed for elementary to junior high/middle school students. The LifeSkills program consists of three major components that cover the critical domains found to promote drug use. Research has shown that students who develop skills in these three domains are far less likely to engage in a wide range of high-risk behaviors. The three components include:
Drug Resistance Skills that enable young people to recognize and challenge common misconceptions about tobacco, alcohol and other drug use. Through coaching and practice, they learn information and practical ATOD (Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drug use) resistance skills for dealing with peers and media pressure to engage in ATOD use.
Personal Self-Management Skills that enable students to: examine their self-image and its effects on behavior; set goals and keep track of personal progress; identify everyday decisions and how they may be influenced by others; analyze problem situations; consider the consequences of each alternative solution before making decisions; reduce stress and anxiety; and, look at personal challenges in a positive light.
General Social Skills that give students the necessary skills to overcome shyness, communicate effectively and avoid misunderstandings, initiate and carry on conversations, handle social requests, utilize both verbal and nonverbal assertiveness skills to make or refuse requests, and recognize that they have choices other than aggression or passivity when faced with tough situations.
The LifeSkills middle school curriculum consists of 30 class sessions (approximately 45 minutes each) to be conducted over three years. First Year (Level 1)—Core Curriculum: 15 class sessions cover all skill areas, along with an additional 3 class sessions on violence prevention (optional). Second Year (Level 2)—Booster Sessions: 10 class sessions, plus an additional 2 class sessions on violence prevention (optional). Third Year (level 3)—Booster Sessions: 5 class sessions, plus an additional 2 class sessions on violence prevention (optional).The LifeSkills elementary school curriculum consists of 24 class sessions (approximately 30-45 minutes each) to be conducted over three years. First Year (Level 1)—Core Curriculum: 8 class sessions and covers all skill areas. Second Year (Level 2)—Core Curriculum: 8 class sessions and covers all skill areas. Third Year (Level 3)—Core Curriculum: 8 class sessions and covers all skill areas.
Red Ribbon Month Activities
The Red Ribbon Campaign is a month long series of events (focusing on Red Ribbon Week activities) designed to encourage students, educators, other school personnel and community members to demonstrate their commitment to a drug-free lifestyle. A wide range of activities can be included in the campaign, such as school assemblies, classroom presentations, drug-free dances, distribution of educational materials, poster contests, rallies and sporting events. This nationwide program is sponsored in our state by Ohio Parents for Drug-Free Youth. The campaign also features an extensive community component.
School Presentations
These one-time educational programs are presented by trained HRS staff members and can cover a variety of substance abuse issues including use, abuse and addiction; youth and adult prescription drug abuse; inhalants; methamphetamine/club drugs; oxycontin; dysfunctional families; healthy choices for young people; peer pressure; tobacco use prevention; marijuana facts; and evaluating alcohol and tobacco advertising, among others. The program length and audience size can be tailored to meet individual needs.
Tobacco Education Group (TEG)
Class size: 30
TEG is a program designed as a positive alternative to suspension for adolescents ages 12-18 caught using tobacco on school property or at school-sponsored activities. It also serves as a court-diversion program and alternative to fines or other penalties for youth who violate state and local laws on the purchase and use of tobacco. The program consists of eight 45 to 50 minute sessions involving lectures, videos, demonstrations, discussions, problem-solving, and cooperative learning strategies. TEG motivates adolescents to move to the preparation and action stages of quitting tobacco.
Professional Prevention Training
Our staff includes a wide variety of certified prevention trainers. Trainings are available in research-based as well as specialized programs. We can tailor a program to meet your needs. Please contact us for further information.
Driver's Intervention Program (DIP)
The Driver’s Intervention Program is a research-based, outcomes focused Prime for Life Model, and is certified by the Ohio Department of Alcohol and Drug Addiction Services.
Defensive Driving
The Defensive Driving Program is designed for persons over the age of 21 whose licenses have been revoked due to DUI with a high blood alcohol content and persons who have multiple points against their licenses due to repeated driving violations.
Learn more about the Driver's Intervention and Defensive Driving Programs on our Driver's Intervention page.
Second Step
The SECOND STEP program is research-based and approved for funding on many federal agency lists. Educators using the program report reductions in discipline referrals, improvement in their school climate, heightened feelings of inclusiveness and respect, and an increase in the sense of confidence and responsibility in their students.The program includes 14, 1 hour weekly teacher-friendly lessons, training for educators, and parent-education tools. It contains core content elements and concepts, such as empathy, problem solving, and anger/emotion management. These content elements and concepts are reinforced throughout the curriculum at each grade level. When an academic content standard is aligned with a core SECOND STEP concept, that standard is addressed multiple times in the curriculum. The program employs core teaching and learning strategies, such as story and class discussion, role-play, teacher modeling, coaching and cueing, and planned behavior reinforcement.
Steps to Respect
Developed by the creators of Second Step, this K-5 evidence-based bullying prevention program is shown to positively impact the school climate through teaching friendship-making skills; bullying recognition, refusal, and reporting skills; and general pro-social and positive academic skills, such as active listening and attention-focusing skills through weekly lessons and daily reinforcement. (11 sessions)
Safe Dates
Helps teens recognize the difference between caring, supportive relationships and controlling, manipulative, or abusive dating relationships. Designated as a Model Program by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. In 2006, Safe Dates was selected for the National Registry of Evidence-based Programs and Practices (NREPP), and received high ratings on all criteria. The program is currently the only evidence-based curriculum that prevents dating abuse, a factor often linked to alcohol and other drug use. (4-10 sessions)
Pre-K through 2, nationally-recognized program/curriculum that uses animal puppets combined with storytelling to give practical information on the topic of substance abuse prevention and education; includes age-appropriate content that motivates children to interact with the characters and the puppets to comprehend the lesson (up to 7 sessions).
Internet Safety Workshops/Assemblies
Youth sessions teach students of all ages how to protect themselves from predators and bullies and other online threats. Parent sessions teach them how to identify inappropriate, dangerous or unlawful internet behaviors as well as how to protect themselves and their children in the electronic and virtual world. Includes information on “sexting” if age-appropriate. Information is presented in multiple formats and sessions depending on specific need. Materials are tailored to the desires of the administration, staff, students, and community. (1-4 sessions)
Project Alert
Project Alert is a classroom-based program for middle or junior high school students that is proven to reduce the experimental and continued use of drugs. Through a series of comprehensive lessons, Project Alert motivates students against drug use, cultivates new, non-use attitudes and beliefs, and equips teens with the skills and strategies to resist drugs. (11 core sessions plus 3 booster sessions the following year)